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+ Asteca (El Dorado Sounds)
+ Makotrax (SISAN)

+ The Daleks

DJ>> + dj VAN aka USCUS (Rasputin Records, anoyo)
+ Abura (N-BEAT)
+ Ahimsa (Dakini records)

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+ 光中 (inner light)
Asteca (El Dorado Sounds)

3歳の頃より13年間クラシックの英才教育を受ける。 ウィーンに音楽留学し、元ウィーンフィルハーモニーの著名な音楽家から音楽的スキルを徹底的に教え込まれる。幼少時代をヨーロッパで過ごし、各国を周遊し、様々な文化、芸術に触れ合うことにより、感性を向上させる。 帰国後は、ロックバンドで作詞作曲等を経験し、音楽的感性を高め、1993年より都内各所でDJとしての活動を始め、現在に至る。 2007年は1月にGOA TOUR、7月にはTHAI LAND TOURを行い、2008年は1月に5回目のTHAI LAND TOURを行った。 現在、国内ではsecret partyを中心に活動している。ASTECAがsecret以外のpartyに出演するのは半年ぶりであり、今回の出演は非常に貴重である。


As the organizer, and main musical force behind El Dorado sounds, Asteca has a long and diverse musical career. From the age of 3 to 13 he studied classical music, and later studied as a musical exchange student in Vienna with the famous Vienna Philharmonic. Receiving a thourough and rigorous education, and being exposed to various cultures in Europe at a young age, he developed a finely tuned musical sensitivity. After returning home to Japan, he tried his hand at songwriting in a rock band, and in 1993 started DJing at various events in Tokyo until now. In january of 2007 he toured Goa, and later that year in July toured Thailand. This previous January was the 5th time touring Thailand. Currently, he participates in secret parties in Japan. Building upon the motif of Goa trance, combined with subtly changing soundscapes, the Asteca sound is something unique and only explainable by experience!

This is also the first performance at a non-secret event in over half a year, and therefore all the more precious!

Makotrax (SISAN)

90年代初頭より東京を中心に日本各地のCLUB,RAVEで活動中。 ハウス〜テクノを縦横する独特なプレイスタイルを確立し常に進化をしている。 洗練されたエレクトロニックなビートと、グルーヴ感が溢れる彼のトラックを 体感した者はその場から逃れられないであろう。 2006年、国産トランスレーベルのELF-MUSICのコンピレーションアルバム 『FAR EAST TECHNOLOGY』に楽曲が収録されブラジルやロシアで話題を呼んでいる。 2007年8月には国内トランスアーティストの重鎮USCUS(VAN-recordings)の リミックスを手がけ、音楽配信サイトWasaBeatのProgrsv House週間チャートで3位を獲得。 Ferry Corstenのお抱え若手アーティストBreakFastも絶賛し、 彼のMIXにMAKOTRAXのアンリリースtrackが収録され、カナダのラジオ局で ONAIRされ話題を呼んだ。また、渋谷FMでも話題を呼んだ。 そして2008年、BreakFast主催'Moody Moon Recordings'と 'Landscape Music'からBeatPort、hrfq等でトラックのリリースを予定している。


In the 90's Makoto started participating in the Club/Rave scene in Japan. From House to Techno and everywhere in between, he has crafted a unique and ever-evolving style. Using finely polished electronic beats coupled with grooved-up waves that wash over, you will not be able to escape from the dance floor!. He was featured on domestic Trance label ELF-MUSIC's 2006 compliation 'FAR EAST TECHNOLOGY' that caused a stir from Brazil to Russia. In August of 2008, his remix tracks of domestic trance artist USCUS(VAN-recordings) hit number 3 on music download site WasaBeat's Progressive House chart. He has received rave reviews from Ferry Corsten's up and coming artist Breakfast, and his mix of Makotrax unreleased tracks has been causing a stir on Canada's ONAIR radio station and Shibuya FM. In 2008, he plans to release tracks on Breakfast's Moody Moon Recordiing, Landscape Music, Beatport , and hrfq.

The Daleks (A-Boyz, Breath)

A-boyzのかたわれとしても活躍する「the daleks」のソロプロジェクト。 アトランタでrock band「prone 」のギターリストとして活躍。 2000年に拠点を日本に移しエレクトロニック音楽の制作を始める。 Anoyoの新島、佐渡やbreathなど、そのほか数々のアンダーグラウンドパーティーでライブを行ってきた。 未来系サイエンスフィクション・サイケデリックトランスでフロアに先観的ヴァイブレーションを巻き起こす!!!


One-half of the A-boys, this is the solo project of The Daleks. Beginning his musical career in Atlanta in 1997, he played guitar for the rock band Prone. In 2000 he moved to Japan and began delving in electronic music. He has performed at seminole trance organizer Anoyo's festivals in Niijima and Sado Island, alongside such artists as Big Boys Toys (Aus), Taiji Sato and at various parties in and around Tokyo, including mind-blowing performances with the A-Boys last year at Natural Smile, Tenrinsai, and the secret Cave party in Izu. Utilizing technology to its fullest, his sound is the place where technology and spirituality meet, buildling upon transcendental themes as alien intelligence, inner space, and the evolution of the human mind and spirit.

dj VAN aka USCUS (Rasputin Records, anoyo)

2000年、伝説のanoyo"The Force"(天命反転地)でUSCUS名義でLive-Actデビュー。 以来、国内外のBigRave〜Underground Partyまで縦横無尽に活動。 現在Xavier Morelのレーベル"Rasputin Records"のOfficial DJ。 dj-Styleは気合入ったPsychedelic Techno Trackをプレイ。


In 2000 he debuted at the legendary Anoyo party 'The Force' as the live-act USCUS. Following his resedency at seminole trance party organizer Anoyo and as part of the unit Lunatic Thunder, he has become a regular face in the domestic and international party scene DJing anywhere from the big Raves to underground parties including Australia's Earthcore, Nagisa, Mangetsu-sai and Shelter in NYC. Currently he has signed on Xavier Morales' label Rasputin Records as Japan's official DJ. His style is best described as banzai Psychedelic techno!

Ahimsa (Dakini Records)

Ahimsa(アヒムサ)は6年以上前からgoa trance djとして活動。出身はオーストラリアだが、現在は東京を拠点に活動中。彼の音楽はインドの伝統と密接な関係があり、美しいインドや中東の影響を受けたエレクトロニカが評判です。 彼の作り出すセットはあなたをピースフルでインディアンな流れへと引き込みます。最近は、インディアンスピリットを吹き込んだtribal progressiveやdirty electroをプレイ。彼は音楽とは魂を癒すツールであり、人生に愛をもたらしてくれるものだと信じています☆


Ahimsa started out as a goa trance DJ over six years ago. He has strong connections with his Indian heritage and has become more well know for his beautiful Indian and Middle Eastern inspired electronica, creating a set that draws you into his peaceful Indian ahimsa flow. These days on the dancefloor he plays tribal progressive and dirty electro, still infused with the spirit of India. He believes that music is thegreatest tool for healing your soul and spreading love throughout his life and others around him. Although originally from Australia,he now plays regularly in Tokyo, Japan

Abura (N-BEAT)

数多くの経験を積み、シチュエーションに合わせてサイケデリックサウンドに変 化をもたらす。深緑の中では彫りの深いDarkSound、またあるときには重圧 な音でオーディエンスを圧倒する、それは”Need Beats”の具現化として奏で られる。”ノル”ことの快楽を肌で感じた彼ならではのSoundである。


Building on years of experience as a Dj, Abura finely crafts the psychedelic groove to match the needs of the audience. Carving a deep dark sound from within the green abysses, and building an overwhelming locomotive pressure, he invokes the incarnation of the Need Beats- junkie. Through his unique sound you can feel the pleasure of riding the beat!

光中(inner light)